Home Product and Services What is Trans-Info?

Trans-Info: Your Fleet Account made Easy!

What is Trans-Info?

Trans-Info is Fleet Information Service from Trans-Connect which provides you with a clear picture of the fuel transactions of your Fleet. Trans-Info helps you in providing comprehensive data to analyse and improve your Fleet operations and profits.

Why Trans-Info?

  • Helps save time by doing away with manual management of accounts.
  • Breaks up the expense details for each of your vehicles fuel purchase.
  • Helps you to get the expense details including the location, date and time of purchase; and also the quantity/value of the fuel even when your driver is still travelling.
  • Enables you to know the cost details - anytime, anywhere.
  • Takes the load off the driver's shoulders - and maintains a record of every purchase on his behalf.
  • Gives you a vehicle performance analysis including the cost per km, the average cost of fuel, the distance travelled and the utilisation per day in kms.

Of course, the essential part here is that you can get this information only if the purchases are made at the Jio-bp mobility stations using the Trans-Connect card. The system also keeps you updated with all your driver's expenses by sending you monthly statements of the transactions in the language of your preference. In case you require the details mid-way or even on a daily basis, you can just walk in to your nearest Trans-Connect Centre (TCC) or Jio-bp Mobility Station (Retail Outlet) and ask for the details for any period.

Trans-Info service also provides you the facility of measuring your vehicle's performance by activating the odometer prompt. It is also essential that the driver/representative gives the correct odometer reading at the time of fueling at the Jio-bp mobility stations.