Jio-bp's investment in technology and back-end processes with deployment of tamper proof equipment and robust systems ensure unmatched assurance of Q&Q delivery. Each outlet is connected online, round-the-clock. Price display on the totem and dispensers are controlled centrally with no intervention permitted at the Fuel Retailoutlet.
Deployment of state-of-the-art devices include:

Automatic Tank Gauging helps the dealer to monitor product level of all under storage tanks thus ruling out possibility of adulteration/product theft at the RO. The device also detects real-time water levels and static leaks which help in avoiding any product loss.

Key Management Systemsecures critical Q&Q equipment associated with delivering Quality and Quantity. The system allows access to only authorized personnel through a combination of card and password. The dealer can also monitor status of the keys remotely and can audit key users, time at which keys were used, durations and purpose of removal of keys, helping the dealer to monitor & control all critical operations at the RO.
Fully automated, electronically calibrated, high-speed multi-product dispensers ensure accurate delivery of the product to the last drop and minimizes refueling time.