Home Product and Services Trans-Manager Trans-Manager offerings:
Trans-Manager currently offers:

With Trans-Manager you can:

  • Select the Jio-bp mobility stations where you want your vehicles to fuel anywhere in the country.
  • Control the quantity of fuel (qty/value) that your driver can purchase at Jio-bp mobility stations on any route.
  • You can set security prompts such as PIN number and vehicle number; the correct answer of which alone will 'unlock' a transaction.
  • You can also receive meaningful vehicle utilization information by setting prompts for 'Odometer' reading. Analysis can then be offered to show cost per kilometer, exact kilometer per liter and distance travelled.
  • Check your balance online or call our 24 X7 customer helpline to get the information instantly.
  • Block / Unblock your card from being misused when lost or misplaced.
  • Real-time vehicle related information via reports (Trans-Info).