Home Product and Services Trans-Info Features And Benefits

Trans-Info Features And Benefits

Trans-Info's features enable you to manage your accounts with ease and help you to run your fleet efficiently.

Reports That Save Time

The transaction details given enables you to compile your accounts in a systematic manner, without any duplication, which saves you many man-hours.

Transaction Information

It provides complete information on fuel purchases for the statement period or the period of your requirement. It tracks all your transactions date-wise, thus helping you to keep a check on all your transport costs including fuel expenses.

Vehicle Cost And Performance Analysis

It facilitates you to do an accurate analysis of your vehicle's performance in terms of:

  • Monthly reports on your registered mail email id.
  • Customised reports at TCCs/Jio-bp Mobility Stations(Retail Outlets).
  • Online reports through Trans- connect website or the Net-Manager.

Thus, you will receive reports on a consistent basis, at regular intervals.

Loyalty Point Status

You can view loyalty point details like the opening balance, points accrued and redeemed during the period and the closing balance for the statement period.

  • Opening balance is the balance of loyalty points brought forward from the previous month.
  • Accrued (additional) points during the period mean the loyalty points earned during the statement period for the purchase of fuel and also the money loaded at a TCC/Jio-bp Mobility Station(Retail Outlet) depending upon the loyalty offer.
Other Benefits

Trans-Info offers many benefits to you, which, in turn, simplify your difficult task of account management.

Information As and When You Need It

Should you require any transaction details other than the regular statements, you can visit a TCC/Jio-bp Mobility Stations(Retail Outlets) and get the information according to your need- any time.


This service helps you to operate at the most efficient level by giving you purchase details for analysis and thereby helping you to increase your profitability.

Regulate Future Cost Decisions

This service gives you operating cost analysis, which will help you take decisions to save costs in the future. You can compare figures and maintain a Progress Report to determine your fleet's performance on a monthly basis.