Home Product and Services Trans-Manager How Trans-Manager Works?
How Trans-Manager Works?

Card/Vehicle Management

The section represents information or controls set on your card/mobile number. Information prompt is commonly the only function that is set-up in card/vehicle management. For example - A trucker has specific prompt set-up that relates only to him (PIN and Unit number). Any other information regarding fuel are typically set-up at the policy level.

  • This function allows you to view the control parameters set for your card/ mobile number /vehicles such as limits, location and information.
  • Limits enable you to manage your funds more efficiently by setting limits on purchase of product, quantity/amounts and frequency.
  • The location setting feature allows you to select fueling locations and avoid diversions from the planned route.
  • Prompts maximize security during fueling and Information helps you take correct decisions, thus managing your fleet more efficiently.
  • The time restriction feature allows you to deactivate your card/mobile number/vehicle for a particular period of time.
  • Cards/mobile number can be blocked or unblocked using the status option. Deactivation is typically done when you don't want a card to be used or when the card is lost. It allows real-time access to your transaction data.

Policy Management

A policy is a broad set of guidelines used to control vehicles on the move.

  • For Example - If you have vehicles plying on three different routes, Delhi-Mumbai, Delhi-Guwahati and Delhi-Chennai, with each route having ten vehicles. Each route will have different fueling and cash requirements, and you can generate a policy or a common set of rules for the vehicles running under each route, creating three different policies based on the routes.
  • There is no limit for creating policies in your account.
  • Policies can also be created depending on different types of vehicle usage (Local usage, Long hauls).
  • You can assign or unassign any card from policy and can link to another policy created under your account.
  • Each card should be linked to a policy for carrying out a transaction.

Reports (Trans-Info)

  • Reports save time by doing away with manual reconciliation of accounts. This helps in improving operational efficiency and thus increasing profitability.
  • With the help of Net Manager, you can customize reports which best suits your organization's needs.